New telephone numbers from 13 May 2019
New telephone numbers from 13 May 2019
con terra GmbH can be reached via a new telephone number!
We would like to point out that our telephone numbers will change in the course of a new IT infrastructure.
The changeover will take place on 13 May 2019. From this date you can reach us at the following numbers:
Head Office +49 251 59689 300
Support +49 251 59689 400
We kindly ask you to adjust your contact details accordingly as of 13 May.
The extension numbers of your contact persons have also changed. If the responsible contact person has not contacted you by 13 May, please call +49 251 59689 300 to ask for the extension or to contact us by e-mail.
Thank you for your understanding, we are looking forward to your call.
Claudia Tewes
+49 251 59689 300