

Land registry for green spaces and playgrounds

Land registry for green spaces and playgrounds

The Challenge

Three million square metres of industrial land, 11.5 million square metres of residential areas, and 49 million square metres of forest and spoil piles, with 270,000  individual recorded trees, 1,900 playgrounds and 24,000 billing units. With dimensions like these, it is clear how important the GIS-aided optimisation of business processes is to an organisation like Vivawest Dienstleistungen GmbH (Vivawest DL).


The overall project was implemented in the form of two selected framework projects: a land registry for green spaces and anoth-er one for playground areas. Upon their conclusion, the idea is for them to serve as an example for the formation of further land registers, for trees, open spaces, etc. or as a model appli-cation for supporting winter maintenance services as well as other management and control tasks in the vicinity of buildings. Right from the start, Vivawest DL employees were to be involved in the development of the solutions, and appropriate know-how and expertise built up sustainably early on in the implementation phase, by way of training-on-the-job modules. 

Background Graphic

We deliberately chose a leading company, because we wanted to offer our customers the best long-term solutions. Implementation of the land registry for green spaces went perfectly smoothly and above all, within the projected time frame.

Gerald Müller, Head of derpartment, Innovation and process integration

The Customer

VIVAWEST manages more than 120,000  residential units throughout North Rhine-Westphalia under the motto of 'Living in the place your heart beats for', making it one of the biggest housing providers in Germany. 


Vivawest Dienstleistungen is a member company of VIVAWEST. It employs over 100 people and performs all the centralised control and support functions on behalf of the operative service companies. 


Together with the operative companies, the organisation employs around 800 people, who together perform almost the entire range of services within the field of housing management, both outside and inside the properties. The company HVG Grünflächenmanagement GmbH is a partner in the field of residential, commercial and industrial land management.

The Solution

A powerful and technologically consistent GIS platform for cadastre solutions has been established throughout Vivawest DL; it is designed both for in-house use and for real-time operation on mobile terminal devices.


The data managed in a variety of previous systems was successfully migrated at an early stage of the project with the aid of the spatial ETL technology, FME. As a result, all of the necessary data was quickly available for the new GIS platform. The platform itself is based on the basic GIS technology from Esri and provides extensive expert functions via the GEONIS framework for managing and visualising data. The map.apps solution was used for creating and providing dedicated, easy-to-use apps for assessing the condition of green spaces and road-safety measures. Moreover, the solution was designed to ensure the optimum and personalised use of the applications with all due compliance for data protection requirements.

Technology Used

ArcGIS for Desktop - Basic GIS functions

ArcGIS for Server - Provision of map services and functions

FME Desktop - Data migration and mapping of complex ETL application cases

GEONIS expert - Expert functions for cadastral solutions

GEONIS server - Provision of specialised forms

map.apps - Creation, organisation and operation of geo-apps

security.manager - Securing of services SSO providers


Together with Vivawest DL and Geocom Informatik, con terra has successfully created a green-space and playground registry solution to form the basis for optimising further business processes within Vivawest DL. The involvement of Vivawest DL employees proved an optimum basis by which to incorporate specialist aspects in the technical implementation. 


The uniform concept and user-friendly applications resulted straightaway in enhanced efficiency in land-registry activities involving green spaces and playgrounds. It also resulted in considerable added value in terms of the possibilities for analysis and documentation. 


This newly created GIS platform permits uniform, central data storage and specialist data modelling. The consistent mapping of application cases from the geo-database through to the web application make it possible for GIS experts from Vivawest DL to configure and implement their own additional land registers, for instance for trees.


The apps' high-performance and intuitive operation on mobile terminal devices considerably simplifies documentation operations for field personnel and enhances their efficiency. Moreover, the use of map.apps as the web application platform allows the centralised administration of all cadastre applications.

Download Case Study
Land registry for green spaces and playgrounds (PDF)

Your contact

con terra Sehlleier
Christian Sehlleier
+49 251 59689 300